Adappt recognise our duties under current health and safety legislation, and we will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain safe and health working environment. Our members / employees are informed of their responsibilities to ensure they take all reasonable precautions, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of those that are likely to be affected by the operation of our business.
We recognize our duty, so far as is reasonably possible:
• To meet our legal obligations to maintain health and safety working conditions.
• To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks so identified.
• To consult with our employees on the matters affecting their health and safety.
• To provide safe equipment’s for safe working environment.
• To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
• To ensure all employee are working ergonomic standards.
• To actively manage and supervise health and safety at work.
• To have access to get competent advice from our health and safety adviser.
• To seek continuous improvement in our health and safety performance and management through regular (at least 2 years once) review and revision of this policy.
• To provide resource required to make this policy and our health and safety arrangements effective.
We also recognise:
• Conducting health, safety and ergonomic practice trainings in such a manner as to avoid harm to employees and our dependent communities.
• Improving continuously our environmental practices and performance.
• Complying all the statutory requirements concerning health, safety and environment.
In support of this policy a responsibility chart and more detailed arrangements have been prepared.
This statement applies to Adappt Ltd and all its subsidiaries.
David Larner
Chief Executive Officer
Adappt Ltd
Date: 23rd February 2024